Thursday, February 28, 2013

What's Your Story?

140 years ago, the equivalent to “two, 70 year old ladies living and dying back to back,” you could have paid someone about $350 to own me. True story. (Yeah, good for you maybe :) Seriously, though…it’s close in time. And because my parents are among the first generation of our family to move out of a small town in Alabama since the end of American slavery and I still hear the stories, it feels closer.

Louis CK reminded me of how close in time we are so I wanted to add him to the curation for HIPPO Reads, an awesome start-up Phone App for literature. Like Ted Talks for your phone.

My co-curator, Athena Lark really brings it home with her critical essay, “Portraits of American Slavery.” And the editing prowess of Kaitlin Solimine is wonderful. Go to and see what I said about Louis CK. It's short. Promise. xo                                      

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Can We Meet?

In the words of Cheryl Strayed, “Write like a mother f’er,” and embrace your struggle as a badge of honor… You are as unique as those who have earned the highest star in battle—a life saver—and you should never let anyone shame you out of what’s meant to be celebrated.

For my first official post, can we meet? Or maybe you'd like to know who the weirdo is behind this blog. :) I could give you my official bio but you can find that lots of places. So for now, maybe we can start with a recent interview with celebrated poet and friend, Jenn Givhan. Her blog honors mothers who are artists and I thank her for allowing me to add to the conversation. A quote from that interview is above. To read more, come with me here: