Monday, July 29, 2013


I can't believe any of this is happening...I'm so glad you're here. This past Friday, I had my FIRST EVER on-air interview for Joseph Lapin's podcast "Working Poet Radio." All of this leading up to Thursday's RADIO interview--60,000 listeners (MY FIRST EVER!) on LA TALK RADIO. Yay! And Thursday, I'll be with my co-pilot, Dirty Laundry Lit host, Jeff Eyres (woo hoo!) promoting DIRTY LAUNDRY LIT: CLOTHING OPTIONAL. (Yay! I'll tell you more on Thursday.)

But TODAY at 2:30 pm, you'll hear how I said too much about dildos--one word is enough, no?, waiting to hear back from my agent on the novel, about writing, and I read a 3 minute excerpt from the essay I most regret ever writing (I read it to let that memory go.)

It's a conversation between friends and awkward at times because we're being recorded. And at one point, I couldn't find the words when Joseph asked me about my law work--it's so personal--and why my clients touch me. I told him ego...seeing myself in them. But if I'm honest--naked--I feel like I can see God in others then...where there's mercy.

At 2:30, can you come over? Go to Joseph's website, scroll down to the bottom "Episode 5", and click on our podcast, set it to play and wash dishes or drive or something fun. You'll be supporting a working poet--Joseph (because people are watching his numbers and he took a chance on me and Dirty Laundry Lit. Thank YOU, Joseph!!!!) and you'll be supporting 7 incredible Clothing Optional writers (yay!), our host-with-the-most, me (of course) and our incredible volunteer team as I cheer for all of them, every chance I get, leading up to Saturday.

Thanks y'all!

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